We Have Answered The Frequently Asked Questions About Italian Shoes!


Ciao! Are you a shoe lover? If that’s the case, no other shoe on the planet compares to an Italian shoe. It’s not too late if you haven’t had the pleasure of wearing a pair yet.

However, before you buy Italian shoes online, you have the right to get the answer to these common questions asked by people.

Why Italian Shoes Are the Best?

Italian fashion, and, of course, Italian shoes, have a global reputation for being among the finest. Quality stitching, handmade leather, elegance, and longevity are all hallmarks of Italian footwear.

Most Italian shoes are Blake stitched, which means the stitching is hidden on the inside of the shoe and cannot be seen from the outside. The boots are also considerably more flexible as a result of this. They are very stylish, comfortable, and durable, thanks to the high-quality leather.

Do Italian Shoes Come in Small Sizes?

Yes, Italian shoe sizes are smaller than those in the United States. In reality, all European shoe sizes are somewhat smaller. So, even if a US size 9 is equivalent to a European size 39, it may still be too small, so don’t be shocked if you try on Italian or other European shoes.

It’s essential to understand Italian shoe sizing before buying Italian shoes online since they tend to run smaller than standard US shoe sizes.

Why Do Italian Shoes Cost So Much?

Italian shoes are indeed more costly, but there’s a reason behind it. The handmade Italian leather, produced by tanners who labor with a long-standing love and tradition, is the primary reason for the high costs.

Aside from the high-quality men’s shoes with handmade leather, Italian shoes are also expensive due to various stitching methods. All Italian shoes are stitched using one of three techniques: Blake stitching, Goodyear stitching, or Black Rapid stitching, which are the most durable and flexible.

It’s no wonder that these shoes cost a lot of money since they take so much time and effort to make. However, keep in mind that Italian shoes are a long-term investment since they are designed to look beautiful and elegant and last a long time.

How Can I Differ Between American & Italian Shoes?

English shoes are often heavier than Italian shoes. In the United States, a shoe’s weight is often seen as an indication of its quality. However, Italians have a different perspective; they favor light, flexible, and comfy shoes.

  • Stitching: Goodyear welting is used to sew high-quality US shoes. In contrast, Blake stitching is used to stitch high-quality Italian shoes, making the soles considerably more flexible and pleasant.
  • Sizing: Italian shoes are slimmer and shorter than their American counterparts. So, before you go out and purchase Italian shoes, measure your feet.
  • Price: Most Italian shoes will set you back quite a bit, while a traditional American shoe brand will set you back less than half as much.
  • Leather: Italian shoes are known for their handmade, long-lasting, and high-quality leather, which can only be found at an Italian tannery.
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